Fostering NC
A learning site for North Carolina foster and adoptive parents and kinship caregivers.
What We Do
Empowering LGBTQ+ Children and Youth Experiencing Foster Care
In this course, narrated by a young adult with lived experience, participants will learn how to support and advocate for children and youth who identify as LGBTQ+. Participants will also learn common terms, research regarding outcomes, skills needed to provide … Read more
Helping Children and Youth Succeed in School: A Course for Resource Parents
In this course, participants will learn how to support and advocate for the educational needs of children and youth in care. Participants will also learn about educational outcomes, legislation that provides resources and supports including Individualized Education Plans and 504 … Read more
Human Trafficking 101 for Resource Parents
New Course – This course explains what human trafficking is, how to recognize it, and how North Carolina resource parents can respond. (90 min.) Take course…
Guardianship, Pathway to Permanence
This course provides North Carolina resource parents information about guardianship, which is a route to permanence for some youth in foster care. (1 hr.) Take course…
What We Do
On‐Demand Courses
The short courses, all of which are free, are available any time and include a certificate of completion learners can share with their supervising agencies.
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The following are key resources for North Carolina’s foster and adoptive parents and kinship caregivers.
Foster parents are encouraged to talk in advance to their supervising agency about obtaining training credit through
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